July 13: We're vibe checking with New York Metro Weather

Join us and NYMW to demystify local weather forecasting, and join us now for this Q&A

July 13: We're vibe checking with New York Metro Weather
10/10 would recommend attending this.

[UPDATE: The first show sold out quickly, so we added a second one at 4 p.m.!]

Everyone knows the weather app on your phone sucks these days: its algorithm-based forecasts are often no match for our rapidly changing, subtropical climate. That's where New York Metro Weather comes in: the viral Twitter and Instagram-based forecaster has been giving New Yorkers plain-English reports of the day's weather forecast, along with a quippy "vibe" rating for each day, for almost a decade now. The service and its founder, John Homenuk, has been working to demystify weather forecasting, bringing what he calls a "hype-free" approach to making weather accessible and fun, instead of another reason to yell at your phone.

Now, it's time to take this weather knowledge to the next level and learn how to do your own DIY forecasting, while answering your pressing questions about our changing climate. We're proud to announce that we're co-hosting New York Metro Weather's first-ever in-person event on July 13 at Caveat:

Grab your tickets here now: Paying members of the New York Groove can get in for just $5, we'll email you your discount code separately. (Not a member yet? Fix that right now) Join us to unlock the secrets of NYC weather and have your pressing climate questions answered, along with some games, prizes and special guests.

To get you amped, we asked John — who started NYMW as a blog in his high school's media center — a few questions about something that we should no longer consider small talk (read on for more about that). Bring your other questions to Caveat on July 13 for the Q & A session and you'll walk out with the wind at your back.

What type of storms are better to ‘wait out’ and grab a second beer, vs. making a break for home or the subway?

Putting me on the spot right away! My general rule of thumb is that if there is a warning out for the storm, I wait it out. For instance, if there is a Severe Thunderstorm Warning, or a Flash Flood Warning in effect I'm going to stay home, pour myself another glass of wine and wait. If it's a general thunderstorm or one that isn't warned for any reason, I'll make a break for it. 

What city (if any!) handles their changing climate well that New York should look to for advice and guidance? 

I've been really impressed with both Denver and Minneapolis in terms of their climate "readiness," so to speak. Both cities are prepared for the changing climate and severe weather, and also have been effective in being more forward-thinking about catering to pedestrians and bikers and reducing the amount of cars, parking lots, and concrete spaces in their core metropolitan regions. Neither of them are perfect, and obviously translating the changes from those cities to a place like New York City isn't easy. But I am a firm believer that we can start by recognizing what we're facing and planning for it instead of simply reacting when the next major flood occurs — again.

If I see it's raining in Manhattan but gorgeous in Rockaway, how can I be sure those two won't switch by time I get to the beach? 

I highly recommend having a weather radar handy, and checking our forecast, of course. There are plenty of free apps available that you can use even with a very basic understanding of how radar works. If you're into the more technical stuff, a subscription to Radarscope is well worth it — you can take a high-resolution look at what's going on around the area. 

How often a day is a healthy amount to be checking the weather forecast? In other words, do we all check it too frequently these days because it's just another app on our phones?

I check the weather forecast an incessant amount of times so I am unsure how healthy my brain is. Just kidding, but I feel like this comes down to the individual. You can check the weather forecast as much as you want! I suggest checking the National Weather Service forecast if you're looking for something a bit more technical and done by an actual human (i.e, not an app or algorithm). 

Some people say that talking about weather is lazy small talk; what would you say that could change their minds? 

A few years ago, someone said to me that "weather is one of the few conversation topics that we haven't ruined yet" and that really stuck with me. The weather is fascinating! Predicting the future is hard, simulating the atmosphere is almost impossible, and we're still learning about it every single day. The majority of people that I talk to are so interested and willing to learn about how it all works, which I think is so cool. I think it's the opposite of small talk, really!

What's a 10/10 rated day you've had recently that had nothing to do with weather forecast? 

Storm chasing and photography is a really big passion of mine, and each year I try to dedicate some time to heading out to the Plains to chase supercells, which are the most powerful type of thunderstorm. I can't remember which day it was exactly, but there was one day a few weeks back where I was just watching this enormous supercell — 55,000 feet tall — spinning over the open plains. It was equal parts relaxing and exhilarating, sort of this battle between both the power and beauty of what I was watching in front of me. It was totally quiet around me otherwise. No noise, no distractions, just me and the storm. I think it'll be one of my favorite days of the year when all is said and done.

What should people expect to learn from you about our city's weather at our event on July 13?

Oh man, I am so excited for this! I think we'll talk about a myriad of things without making it too dense. I'm hoping to discuss some meteorology basics, some of the more unique aspects of NYC's weather, recent storms, and of course our changing climate and how we can prepare for it in NYC. It's going to be an absolute blast!

Do you have any special weather gear you would recommend for anyone looking to navigate our subtropical summer? 

A personalized fan to bring with you on the subway for when the heat kicks up next week ;)

🌦️ Save the date for July 13, and grab your tickets now! 🌦️