❄️ 10 years ago today, something historic happened
A members-only clip from our Vibe Check event on Jan. 25.

Today, January 26, is a very special day in New York City winter history: It's the 10 year anniversary of the day that Gov. Andrew Cuomo shut the subway down due to a snow forecast, a thing no one wanted! If it seems hard to imagine ever having so much snow to do something so drastic, Dave is here to remind us that it sounded equally absurd at the time. Not only was the storm a bust, it also turns out that underground subways are a helpful way to get around in an above-ground snowstorm.
As a bonus for our paying members today, we're sharing the clip of Dave explaining the real history of this surreal moment, as told at our sold-out event with New York Metro Weather at Caveat on Saturday (not a member yet? That's so easy to fix). It's essential viewing as a certain somebody mulls a run for mayor this year. Click through to watch!