Mayoral candidate Zellnor Myrie weighs in on the Bangers Bracket

Hello Groven (if you're a new paid supporter you should be aware that this is what we call you, there was a vote, sorry if you weren't there) and welcome to spring and Members March. We made it! Soon life will abound with baseball previews and actual baseball and then like a couple weeks into it the more unreasonable among us will demand we skip right to summer.
But I'm not just here to talk about the weather or the seasons. Well, I'm here to talk about one season I guess: mayoral primary season. Which is right now and all the way through the end of June.
As a special election-time treat, we have an exclusive interview today with state Senator and mayoral candidate Zellnor Myrie. Myrie, who's represented central Brooklyn in Albany since 2019, knows and loves ball to the point where one of his upcoming fundraisers is just hanging out and watching a Knicks game. Zellnor was brave enough to tweet his own NCAA brackets for everyone to look at and make fun of this year. More importantly, he's also brave enough to share his thoughts on the Bangers Bracket, our own 64-song matchup of the best NYC-songs of the last quarter-century, and which songs he thinks should be in the running to be crowned THE New York City-defining song of the 21st century. Here's a preview of what we got into:
NYG: Now, you know Mayor Adams, he gave the key to the city to Diddy, which we all know didn't really work out for anybody. But if you were the mayor next year, would you give the key to the city whoever wins the Bangers Bracket?
ZM: It's an amazing question. I think I'm gonna hold on the promise on keys precisely because of what you just mentioned. But I would welcome the opportunity to meet with whoever wins this bracket.