So, are we all finally getting off social media, or what?
Let's have a chat, shall we?

Greetings Groven,
How we all feeling at the tail end of this freezing and otherwise bleak week? (This isn't an idle question, we've got a survey for you further down.) Personally, I went to see the Robbie Williams CGI monkey movie on Monday and wept for a full 10 minutes at the end? In fairness that might have happened any time I saw it – it was surprisingly good tbh — but yeah, it’s been a weird one.
A lot of questions have been coming up for us as individuals and a publication in recent weeks, but one of the biggest ones is: what are we gonna do about social media? We’ve all known the big platforms are A Problem for quite a while now, for society at large and for our poor beleaguered brains. But with TikTok sending out notifications praising the benevolence of Chairman Trump, Twitter a Nazi-owned cesspool, and Zuckerberg deciding hate speech is good, actually, it sure does feel like we’re at a fresh inflection point with all this garbage.
For me, I’m just unbelievably tired of providing data and shareholder value for the absolute worst people alive, and I’m guessing a lot of you are too. This week I texted a friend out in Seattle who’s aggressively Off social media and maintains a generally busy and cool social life, and he said, “I think you might be surprised how immediately satisfying and how not difficult it is” to pull the plug.
But let’s also be honest here: how many of us have actually nuked our accounts so far?